Vegan Creamy Potato Leek Soup

You will need an Immersion Blender or high powered blender for this recipe.

3-4 med leeks, Cut lengthwise, cut into smaller pieces, washed WELL

1 Scallion

1 bag Little Potato Company Gold Potatoes, washed and cut in halves

1 tbsp coriander

1 tbsp Crushed Red pepper

1 tsp salt

tsp black pepper

2 tbsp avocado oil

1/2 cup plant-based whipping cream

1 jalapeno

3 cloves garlic

8-10 cups broth/ water

Fresh Dill


Fresh Dill

Heat large soup pot with avocado oil and add chopped scallion until golden, add garlic, stir until fragrant. Add leeks, little by little, stirring while you go. These will cook down. Add halved potatoes, jalapeno, salt, peppers, dill (save some dill for garnish) and coriander. Add water or broth to mixture and cook until potatoes are tender with a fork. Add plant-based whipping cream. Use immersion blender to blend soup. Season to taste. Served great with Sourdough Bread!

If you don’t have an immersion blender you will need to safely scoop soup into blender and transport back into pot. Soup will be very hot. You may want to let it cool before doing this.